Saturday, March 16, 2019


King Donald worries constantly about  "others" coming.  The King's friends had brought "others" into his kingdom to do jobs no one else wanted to do. The "others" brought their families and friends and soon the "others" out numbered the locals.  This made the locals anxious and fearful of these people who were a different color and spoke a strange language.  The King had assured the locals he would build a GREAT WALL to keep the "OTHERS" out, but the knights of the square table could not agree on anything, so no money was made available. The King became enraged and had his stooges declare a ban on the "others" coming into the kingdom, but the keepers of the LAW stood in the way.

Desperate. the King ordered  his chief stooge, the round-faced grinning Howdy Dew to solve the "others" problem. Howdy did not like the "others" either, so he gleefully grabbed  these "other people" and sent them out of the kingdom at a rapid rate.

UPDATE:  The King's temper tantrum over the WALL continues and he now is defying the Knights of the Square Table by having his underlings steal money from other parts of the government to pay for his ego trip on the Texas border.  Most people know the WALL is just for show---so the King can install a large mirror to use for admiration of himself.  

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