Thursday, June 18, 2015


I met George H. W. Bush at a Republican gathering in Lancaster, PA when I was running for public office in 1988.  He was the main speaker and I liked him.  I did not care for Ronald Reagan as President because of his views on the environment and on his excessive defense spending.  I still like the President and I think his wife Barbara is a delight.  They make a great couple.

George W. is another story.  I felt from the beginning that he was not too bright and would be easily manipulated by the Neocons like Dick Cheney and others.  As it turned out, I was correct.
He campaigned as a conservative, but never seriously pushed the social issues so dear to many of the right-wing religious crowd.  Also, instead of being "conservative" with the taxpayer's money, he spent it lavishly on the Neocons misguided dream of "democracy" in Iraq and the Middle East.  He will go down as one of the worst Presidents ever because when he left office, he had nothing to show for his 8 years, but a huge debt and two endless wars.

Now comes "President" Bush # 3?  I think he is a good person, but he does NOT exude the fire needed to preside over a country of more than 300 million in  a world filled with turmoil and uncertain possibilities.  He does not seem to know when to keep his mouth shut (listen to MOM). Criticizing  the Pope for his views on CLIMATE CHANGE was just plain DUMB.  Mr Bush, you are NOT going to gain votes going there, so shut up.  The Donald made derogatory comments about Mexican immigrants in his announcement in New York City and  MR BUSH, who is married to a Mexican woman, said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I can't figure out if Jeb Bush is naive or stupid, but he definitely is NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL at this point in the campaign.


Donald Trump is "running" for President of the United States.  Many of the pundits are skeptical that he will really last as a candidate.  I hope he does, because he is the  "best" bad 
example we currently have on the horizon.  Many in the GORP community like his off the wall comments and extreme ideas.  He may be just the enema the country needs to clear out our political system.   GO DONALD GO.


The brutal murder of 9 black people in a church in South Carolina is just the latest fallout from a  nationwide campaign by the GORP's (Group Of Radicals Party) to marginalize people they do not like.  This campaign of denying Black people voting rights and access to health care emboldens crazy individuals like the church murderer and the cop who shot Walter Scott 8 times, to look at people different from themselves as something to fear and to be destroyed.

These politicians need to be held to account for the atmosphere they are creating with their discriminating legislative agenda.  These actions combined with promoting of gun rights to such an extent that "everyone should carry" is encouraging unstable individuals to do unspeakable acts.

The GORP's (formerly the Republican Party) hide behind a "christian curtain" created by the same people who justified slavery with Biblical scripture back in the Civil War period.  They are not really Christ-like or real Christians, they are self-righteous bigots who use religion as a ruse to control and discriminate against people they do not like.

The current crop of Republican candidates for President have to decide if they are going to be REAL REPUBLICANS or GORP's.

The national Republican Party seems to be a current supporter of the GORP movement and in my opinion if they continue the "Party" may reach such an extreme level that they will have to be labelled a hate group.  Their supporters seem to hate everyone but rich white men---a decreasing minority.  They may have the money and power, but they may have to resort to extreme means to keep it.

How the Republican candidates respond to this latest mass murder will give us a clue as to whether they are going to be running to be A REAL REPUBLICAN  who will be PRESIDENT for everyone  or a GORP who will be PRESIDENT of the few who support the GORP agenda.  Yes, a GORP could win, but the country would be torn apart if that happens.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Change GOP to GORP

As long as I can remember the Republican party has been called the Grand Old Party---the GOP.

That name is dead. Many of the current crop of Republicans are not "Grand" or "Old" or having a "Party", so let's just call them what they are---the Group Of Radicals Party or GORP.

I am a registered Democrat, but I was born, raised and ran for public office twice as a Bill Scranton Republican. In 1964 he was my hero, but he never stood a chance against Goldwater.

I believe in moderation in all things. I believe in fair play, that the playing field should be  level and everyone should be able to get their best shot. The GORP has come to power because many Americans are scared and do not know what the future will bring. The GORP politicians do not propose solutions to the many issues we face, instead they are full of hollow slogans and often provide  simplistic answers to complex problems.


Give everyone guns and we will all be safer.

Black people should not be able to vote or  run for office and certainly are not capable of being President.

Black people, Hispanics, Muslims, foreigners and others who are different,  are all a threat both economically and socially and need to be marginalized.

The Affordable Care Act is socialism.

Stop abortion, contraception and sex education, and  all of society's ills will be solved.

Turn the United States into a "Christian Nation" and God will take care of us.

 "Democracy" is when Christian white people with money should vote and hold office.

"Sustainability" is an United Nations  agenda threat to take over our lives and property.

All government is a threat to freedom.

Gay people should not have the right to be gay or to marry..

Rich people are more important than anyone else.

Big energy companies need to be protected from zealous regulators who try to limit their profits.

Wall Street Bankers and other corporations should be able to do anything and use any procedure as long as they make money.

Teaching evolution should be outlawed.

Public schools should allow Bible reading, prayer and religious teaching in the classroom.

Tax payers  should pay to send students to private and religious schools.


Extremists can gain power, BUT THEY CAN NOT GOVERN.

They can only hold power by using fear, intimidation and violence. The Communists in Russia, Eastern Europe and China are good examples.

World War II was fought to prevent extremists from ruling the world.

Are the extremists in our country a threat to the rest of us?

The GORP now running the US House of Representatives is a threat now, because they are willing to destroy the United States as we know it, to further their agendas.  To call them "CRAZY" may be true, but we must not underestimate them.  They are willing to go to extreme ends to reach their goals.

We must remain always vigilant to these people who want to change our way of life.