Thursday, June 18, 2015


I met George H. W. Bush at a Republican gathering in Lancaster, PA when I was running for public office in 1988.  He was the main speaker and I liked him.  I did not care for Ronald Reagan as President because of his views on the environment and on his excessive defense spending.  I still like the President and I think his wife Barbara is a delight.  They make a great couple.

George W. is another story.  I felt from the beginning that he was not too bright and would be easily manipulated by the Neocons like Dick Cheney and others.  As it turned out, I was correct.
He campaigned as a conservative, but never seriously pushed the social issues so dear to many of the right-wing religious crowd.  Also, instead of being "conservative" with the taxpayer's money, he spent it lavishly on the Neocons misguided dream of "democracy" in Iraq and the Middle East.  He will go down as one of the worst Presidents ever because when he left office, he had nothing to show for his 8 years, but a huge debt and two endless wars.

Now comes "President" Bush # 3?  I think he is a good person, but he does NOT exude the fire needed to preside over a country of more than 300 million in  a world filled with turmoil and uncertain possibilities.  He does not seem to know when to keep his mouth shut (listen to MOM). Criticizing  the Pope for his views on CLIMATE CHANGE was just plain DUMB.  Mr Bush, you are NOT going to gain votes going there, so shut up.  The Donald made derogatory comments about Mexican immigrants in his announcement in New York City and  MR BUSH, who is married to a Mexican woman, said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I can't figure out if Jeb Bush is naive or stupid, but he definitely is NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL at this point in the campaign.

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