Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Sometimes you have to get really sick before you get better.
That is what we as a nation are currently going through. Any one who has the illusion that they (the KKK, Neo-Nazis, the white nationalists) are the problem needs to look in the  mirror. The continued polarization of the the country along racial and cultural lines has been on going for hundreds of years.  We are all part of the problem and thus can be part of the solution.

The monumental changes over the last 50 years have been too much for many Americans. Think about it. From  "Jim Crow" to a Black President. From Gays in the Closet to same sex marriage. From Coal to Solar. From wall phones to cell phones. From stick shift to driverless cars. From a farm raised President to a billionaire President. For most of us, this progressive movement is exciting; but for others, it scares them to death. Along comes Trump and he will solve all their problems and take care of them, as only he can.  For some he must appear almost "god-like" in his attraction.  When you watch Trump's rallies,  think of them as religious revivals and his rantings as the "gospel according to Trump".  When does he start extolling them to violence? That is when the real problems begin and our country may be destroyed in the process.

We as humans have a tendency to blame others for what ever causes us difficulty. "The other" is a common refrain throughout history when searching for the seeds of conflict, unrest, wars, etc. Our current "seed thrower" is  President Donald J. Trump and he is doing a bang-up job of finding "the others" to blame for his failures and is successfully convincing his core supporters to agree with him. People who are fearful are always vulnerable to manipulation by demi-gods and conmen. Thus Trump's cult-like following. They are the proverbially lemmings jumping off the cliff. This is not new. Mob rule is often depicted in movies and stories; and always follows the same pattern of fear followed by violence against the supposed threat. The Salem witch trials are a classic historic example. 

Mr Trump is a con-artist pretending to be President.  He has survived his whole life by lying to people and convincing them of his sincerity. If they resist, he threatens them with all kinds of dire consequences and he usually has come out on top, because of his wealth and power. 

Donald J. Trump must be removed from the Presidency as soon as possible   He is a threat to our country's future and to the well being of the entire planet.

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