I’ve noticed that the several-party system in my host country, Germany, seems to be somewhat healthier than the U.S. two-party system at the moment (though I am very worried about the rise of the AfD party here, not to mention the Front National and others in Europe). Here, if I could vote, I would lean towards the Green party but would feel I could pick and choose my candidates among several parties as well. The Republican party seems to need to split into the new thoughtful conservatives vs. the tea party, while the Dems could probably benefit from a healthy green party and maybe a socialist party to their left. But of course, this works in a parliamentary system where a coalition elects a prime minister, but the U.S. direct presidential elections don’t seem to allow more than two parties. I don’t think we can change our democratic system that fundamentally -- at least, this wouldn’t be the right moment to try; still, it is frustrating that we try to force the enormous variety of views and experience in this country into a two-party straightjacket election after election. (#6)
This was an ugly election of rejection. Obviously there were millions like me who couldn't/wouldn't admit to ever wanting to vote for an apparent buffoon. But the choice seemed clear that the power and corruption of the Clintons was much more distasteful. The movie "Hillary's America" helped me to focus on what was happening. I so want Trump to surprise us all. I'm afraid of the anarchists that are trying to take advantage of the post-election anger and despair and disbelief. Saul Alinsky (deceased) and George Soros very much wanted/want our country to implode. I agree that women could do a better job. I believe that we should have a woman President. I went to bed Tuesday night honestly believing that we would have a woman President, just not the right woman. (#18)
My Facebook feed is full of comments from people who are sickened by this man becoming our President. It's so hard to believe that half of our fellow citizens can accept his behavior. Even scarier are the ones that think they have the right to openly play out their bigotry now that he has been elected. (#19)
As someone with training in nuclear, biological, and chemical defense I am very worried about a president who said if we have nuclear weapons why can't I use them. Someone who can be provoked by a perceived slight in a twitter message with access to weapons of mass destruction is a danger to the world.(#12)
Stay tuned for some real needed changes and improvements in our system of government, i.e. lower taxes for businesses and others, trade agreement changes that place our economy first, more jobs which is a big change, lower term limits for elected officials, stronger defense, etc. Thanks for putting this survey together. God Bless America. United We Stand Divided We Fall.(#4)
I am going to wear a safety pin.(#11)
I think folks like us need to be lovingly vigilant and involved. Take care. Peace be with you.(#13)
This has been the most appalling election cycle in my experience since 1968.(#21)
Disgusted that 2 days after the election, NPR is now discussing how each candidate approached issues like trade, health care, environment etc. and little of this was discussed before ...the press dropped the ball and let Trump set the agenda for what got news time. (#10)
The silver lining in all of this is that complacency among Liberal Democrats when out the window.(#32)
There must be a resistance to Donald Trump.(#34)
I am trying at least to be civil.(#37)
Proud to live in a great country. Thankful.(#44)
Everybody get over it, move on for the good of the country and the people in general.(#45)
I can't believe that people can set aside his faults and bad character to send a message or look for better economics for themselves.(#14)
Believe in opportunity for all based on their abilities and character. There has been too much division with catering to the differences between us and not the commonality of community.(#65)
The United States was not ready for a woman to be president. Two old white men with little substance or experience were America's choice. God help America. (#74)
Trump captured the hearts, not the minds of his voters.(# 25)
I am intrigued by the role of the church (Christian) in this election. Highlighted are issues of anti-intellectualism in the church. The church's identity crisis as laws change to reflect the will of the majority. Political activism versus 1 to 1 relational behavior. What would Jesus do–a deep divide that is at the crux of how the Christian vote fell this year.(#33)
Hope new president appoints good people under him and that he listens to them.(#77)
It is my opinion that Donald Trump is an impulsive thirteen year old with a learning disability/personality disorder living in a 70 year old man. He is does not have the temperament or the experience to be president of the United States.
We have just elevated a dysfunctional child to be leader of the free world. (#3)