Wednesday, December 14, 2016



I’ve noticed that the several-party system in my host country, Germany, seems to be somewhat healthier than the U.S. two-party system at the moment (though I am very worried about the rise of the AfD party here, not to mention the Front National and others in Europe). Here, if I could vote, I would lean towards the Green party but would feel I could pick and choose my candidates among several parties as well. The Republican party seems to need to split into the new thoughtful conservatives vs. the tea party, while the Dems could probably benefit from a healthy green party and maybe a socialist party to their left.  But of course, this works in a parliamentary system where a coalition elects a prime minister, but the U.S. direct presidential elections don’t seem to allow more than two parties.  I don’t think we can change our democratic system that fundamentally -- at least, this wouldn’t be the right moment to try; still, it is frustrating that we try to force the enormous variety of views and experience in this country into a two-party straightjacket election after election. (#6)

This was an ugly election of rejection.  Obviously there were millions like me who couldn't/wouldn't admit to ever wanting to vote for an apparent buffoon.  But the choice seemed clear that the power and corruption of the Clintons was much more distasteful.  The movie "Hillary's America" helped me to focus on what was happening.  I so want Trump to surprise us all.  I'm afraid of the anarchists that are trying to take advantage of the post-election anger and despair and disbelief.  Saul Alinsky (deceased) and George Soros very much wanted/want our country to implode. I agree that women could do a better job.  I believe that we should have a woman President.  I went to bed Tuesday night honestly believing that we would have a woman President, just not the right woman. (#18)

My Facebook feed is full of comments from people who are sickened by this man becoming our President. It's so hard to believe that half of our fellow citizens can accept his behavior. Even scarier are the ones that think they have the right to openly play out their bigotry now that he has been elected. (#19)

As someone with training in nuclear, biological, and chemical defense I am very worried about a president who said if we have nuclear weapons why can't I use them. Someone who can be provoked by a perceived slight in a twitter message with access to weapons of mass destruction is a danger to the world.(#12) 

Stay tuned for some real needed changes and improvements in our system of government, i.e. lower taxes for businesses and others, trade agreement changes that place our economy first, more jobs which is a big change, lower term limits for elected officials, stronger defense, etc. Thanks for putting this survey together. God Bless America. United We Stand Divided We Fall.(#4)

I am going to wear a safety pin.(#11)

I think folks like us need to be lovingly vigilant and involved.  Take care.  Peace be with you.(#13)

This has been the most appalling election cycle in my experience since 1968.(#21)

Disgusted that 2 days after the election, NPR is now discussing how each candidate approached issues like trade, health care, environment etc. and little of this was discussed before ...the press dropped the ball and let Trump set the agenda for what got news time. (#10)

The silver lining in all of this is that complacency among Liberal Democrats when out the window.(#32)

There must be a resistance to Donald Trump.(#34)

I am trying at least to be civil.(#37)

Proud to live in a great country. Thankful.(#44)

Everybody get over it, move on for the good of the country and the people in general.(#45)

I can't believe that people can set aside his faults and bad character to send a message or look for better economics for themselves.(#14)

Believe in opportunity for all based on their abilities and character.  There has been too much division with catering to the differences between us and not the commonality of community.(#65)

The United States was not ready for a woman to be president. Two old white men with little substance or experience were America's choice.  God help America. (#74)

Trump captured the hearts, not the minds of his voters.(# 25)

I am intrigued by the role of the church (Christian) in this election. Highlighted are issues of anti-intellectualism in the church. The church's identity crisis as laws change to reflect the will of the majority. Political activism versus 1 to 1 relational behavior. What would Jesus do–a deep divide that is at the crux of how the Christian vote fell this year.(#33)

Hope new president appoints good people under him and that he listens to them.(#77)

It is my opinion that Donald Trump is an impulsive  thirteen year old with a learning disability/personality disorder living in a 70 year old man.  He is does not have the temperament or the experience to be president of the United States.
We have just elevated a dysfunctional child to be leader of the free world. (#3)



Better now. (#15) Worried, very preoccupied by it.

We have a crisis of tone and communication. We need to learn how to have productive, respectful conversations with each other again, folks!  How do we do it?!!!?? Listening as a moral imperative….and as a school subject, I don’t know.
If we can do it, there might be some hope — the country has gotten through very serious crises before. We all need to defend the constitution and our checks and balances tooth and nail in the coming years while somehow figuring out how to design our media and social media better so that they do not favor everything that is dIvisive,  derisive and utterly moronic. Also, we have to find new ways to confront racism and heal racial divide. (#6)

Right now not so good. But maybe this is an opening for the kind of shift we need to a government that actually works for the people. Trump will show himself as a conman quickly and his voters might be willing to throw themselves behind a Sanders type in 2020. Hoping for major turnover in Congress in 2018. (#16)

Better than I did going to bed Tuesday night.(#18)

Worried that we will regress. (#19) Uncertain.  Trump does not by any means have any kind of mandate.  On the other hand, I am glad that all of the ugliness that has been lying in the deep cracks of American society for decades is oozing out for everyone to see.  Having it out in the open will make it easier to acknowledge and defeat. (#5)
Uncertain. No one knows what Trump will do. His appointments to his transition team are not looking good.(#12) Very positive, unlike many out there. Mr. Trump is a doer unlike Obama.(#4) Pessimistic(#20) Tied into the health of the environment. Worried, don't know how much time we have to get it wrong.(#2) Scared for all.(#11)

Very concerned, but not hopeless.  Trump with a Republican-controlled House and Senate can do A LOT of long-lasting damage by: 1) repealing: the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the Paris Climate Change Accords, the Iran Nuclear Deal, while at the same time, advocating: reducing taxes on the wealthy & big business (making the deficit/debt problem worse, appointing right-wing judges, increasing military spending, and expanding fossil fuel development.  I think there are going to be many political battles and there are many smart, caring, and effective progressive public figures and groups that will prevent the Republicans from doing the absolute worst. (#13)

We're in for a rough ride.(#21) Very concerned. This could be the end because if we are involved in a Third World war (China and Russia) we will lose. Trump has already "ticked off" most of our friends. We cannot win alone.#(23) I believe America has been on a steady decline for years. I cannot foresee future generations having the same quality of life we have had.(#26)

The future of America will probably be more of the same.  Government is too big and will sink us further into debt and nobody seems to care. I do hope they repeal the affordable care act at least. I imagine the moral character of America will continue to erode. I am happy Trump takes a strong position on pro-life, but would like a  stronger stance on same sex marriage. I know a lot of people don't care about these things but if there is truly a God, he cannot like what he sees from America. Cleaning up our morality as a country and taking responsibility for own lives and not relying on the government is a type of country I would like to live in.(#27)

Better hands. Turned out pretty good.(#28) Concerned. Also  hopeful–that individuals  gain incentive to improve their communities–not rely on change coming from the top down.(#33) Nervous, limbo– Trump in his tower surely must be cut off from the realities of what's on the ground and under I am afraid for the environment.(#35) I'm worried about the bully approach to dealing with other countries but we are mostly dealing with other men who may respond to that with respect ( like Rams butting heads (#10)

Bleak. The forces of darkness have arrived. It will be tough, if not impossible, to fix this disaster. Facts don't matter. The enlightenment has stalled. Very Worried. It seems short term self interest won against unity this time around. The war on women will heat up again. Minorities of all kinds are in danger of being the scapegoat especially when the Groper- in -chief can't follow through on his very vague yet still alarming policies.(#9)

Scared(#8) The people will have to get involved and stand up for the best of the Judeo-Christian basic beliefs.(#7) America will be OK since we have three government branches.(#14)

I am a registered Republican. I came of age when there was a Rockefeller wing in the party. That is who I am. I identified with people like Eisenhower, Hugh Scott, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Margaret Chase Smith, Jacob Javitts, John Chafee, John Heinz, Elsie Hillman and so on. If I remember correctly, had it not been for moderate and liberal Republicans, LBJ would have never passed the civil rights act. In truth, my personal philosophy on a issues is much more aligned with Democrats than Republicans---on environmental issues of global warming, public education, urban redevelopment and abortion rights. I do not believe Government has any place legislating what a woman can do with her own body. These are just a few. FDR saved the nation with his public works program. I voted for Obama twice. Had the Democrats nominated anybody but Clinton, I believe the Democrats would've won again. I for one would have voted for Bernie Sanders and I was hoping he would pull it off in the primaries. I feel very strongly on many issues. And I like to vote on issues. But when I believe the media, liberals, radical African-Americans, desire to paint the white population as the root of all evil it pisses me off, and trumps issue voting with me.(#26)

I was never hopeful that Americans  were going to voluntarily confront real problems of climate change, economic contraction, the end of cheap energy and the  decline of empire. I suppose this brings the day of reckoning all that much closer.(#32)

Ominous.(#34) Okay, Trump has changed his tune and sounds less like a buffoon now.(#36) Discouraged.(#37) We will survive it and give Trump a chance. He is not a dumb person. USA has had other challenges and corrupt men in the past.(#38)Scary. We will get through it.(#39)

Hope Trump can change the direction of the country.(#41) Better now.(#42) It is going to be good.(#43) Hopeful, confident.(#44) Very concerned which direction the country has been going. My opinion is–the wrong direction.(#45)

Being president is overrated.   Trump  can't do much damage. He can damage the reputation of the country.(#46) Moving in the right direction.(#47) Scared but refreshed.(#48) Hopeful(#49) Hoping we're going in the right direction.(#50) Questionable.(#51) Great.(#54)  Cautiously optimistic. Anyone to further our country(#55) I could care less.(#56) Hopefully better.(#57) Scared. (#60) Horrified (#61) Anxious (#62)

Only the rich and powerful will benefit. (#63)

I am afraid for us, I'm sure he can't do everything he said he was going to.(#64)
The future of America is once again on track toward coming back to equal justice for all. (#65)
Disappointed with our people.(#66) Uncertain.(#67)
Questionable. (#68) Terrific. (#69) Awful, war is imminent. (#70) Hopeful, positive. (#71)
Apprehensive. (#72)

Sad. I am saddened that that many people voted for someone who bragged about grabbing women and putting Muslims in internment camps---hate won.(#73) We will be OK if we use the next 4 years as a learning experience and don't allow the crazies to take hold.(#74) We will persevere.(#3)

If Obama couldn't establish anything in 8 years, hopefully Trump won't be able to do anything in 4.(#75)

Optimistic. Believe the constitution is strong. We as a country are resilient. It gives people

a chance to focus and take a more active role in future politics if they are not happy with the outcome.(#76) For four years---very pessimistic. (#24) Puzzled, fearful.(#25) Great place. No problem with United States.(#29) Basically optimistic–trying to keep that.(#31) Not good–give him a chance.(#52) More optimistic than before. (#77) Scared. Honestly we are screwed.(#59)



Well pleased. (#15) Horrible. Insomnia, afraid for people's lives, afraid for progress on climate change, absolutely disgusted that so many people thought it was OK to validate his hateful words and actions. (#16) Horrified and scared. (#17)

Elated that we might finally be able to reduce pay-to-play politics, have a leader and a congress that might finally help reduce the deficit, and create an environment for growth, and a stronger middle class. (#18) Sad, concerned. (#19)

I am not a huge fan of Trump. I could not stand  Clinton, this after I, a moderate Republican voted for Obama. I am one of millions in her "Basket of Deplorables". Clinton was the darling of the media and liberal establishment. I know that Trump made this easy given his irrational  comments. But what troubles me most about the current liberal establishment and media, Is the arrogance and condescending nature it has toward others. This time, the little guy, said enough is enough, we want change and Clinton is just more of the same. Most of us were willing to take the gamble associated with Trump. So I feel good about the outcome of the election. I will note however I would feel better if the Democrats had won the U.S. Senate. I voted against Toomey and for McGinty.(#26)

Although happy Clinton did not win, I am worried about Donald Trump's  winning. The guy lacks moral character, degrades human beings, has been married three times and has gone bankrupt four times. Not exactly the type of guy you want leading our country. I can understand that people are concerned for our future. I do not know how Donald won. I think America is in a sad state but it takes someone like him to get people excited to vote. To make matters worse, I truly think if the Republican Party had a more qualified candidate  that Clinton would have won.(#27)

What I was expecting(#28) Still working through it.(#5) Severely Depressed.(#12) Feel very confident knowing we have a good chance of improving so many areas in our country.(#4) Heartsick(#20)
Determined to stay engaged and help turn this country green and socially responsible.(#2) Extremely sad. I feel like I entered the twilight zone.(#11)

Frustrated, very concerned, and angry.  Thoroughly frustrated and angered by our Electoral College system.  If our system treated the race for President, like every other race in which the victor is the one who receives the most votes, then Clinton would be President and there would be an entirely different outcome, dynamic, discussion, and prospects in this country.  As it is, I am very concerned about Trump with a Republican-controlled House and Senate.  I agree with all the criticisms about Trump: ignorant, misinformed, and uncurious about public affairs, temperamentally (and psychologically) unfit for the Presidency, and dangerously demagogic. In my opinion, there were some "bright spots" in terms of ballot initiatives.(#13)

Not good..(#21) Very unhappy.(#24) I was physically sickened and had to take deep breaths to calm down.(#10) Disgusted. Hate won. Divided we fall but how do we reconcile with that? I am seriously grieving for what I thought this country stood for. I am not happy that the popular vote will be overridden again.(#9)Terrible(#8) I don't like or understand it. Trump's character is seriously flawed, integrity wise, intellectually and knowledge.(#14) Surprised, discouraged. Trump won because he is an outsider, not a Washington type.(#24) Satisfied.(#29) Wait and see.(#30)

Somewhat resigned. The Republican Party has a campaign message from them by a faux  populist, while the Democratic Party resisted the take over by actual populist in Sanders. Unfortunately, the established Republican Party will most likely be the beneficiary of this. Two–four –eight years in the wilderness might enable progressives to reveal a popular party if it's addiction to oligarchy money can be broken.(#32)

Disappointed, scared.(#31) Grieved, scared, stunned.(#33) Terrible.(#34) Dreadful.(#37)
Shocking.(#38) Upset.(#39) Very proud  of America(#40) Okay(#41) Awesome. We did it! Sent a  message.(#42) Good. Lots of reps in the Senate, governor, etc.(#43) Positive, encouraged.(#44) Happy with it.(#45) Surprised, did not get support for Hillary.(#46) Overall happy.(#47) Fine.(#48) Just fine.(#49) It is what it is. People spoke, working people.(#50) Concerned–but rather conservative outcome as opposed to liberal.(#51)Not good. She won popular vote. People were angry. Would have voted for Bozo the clown.(#52) Change(#54)
Happy(#55) Disappointed(#56) Okay(#57) Fear.(#58)
Scared, nervous.(#59)Scared, disappointed. (#60)
Sad commentary on America.  (#61) Terrible (#62)

Not happy, Hope he changes, but so far he hasn't. He did do well in speaking to Obama.#64) Surprised with mixed feelings. Happy about Hillary's loss, not so happy about Trump's win.
(#65) Sad. (#66) Disappointed. (#67) Dismayed. (#68) Yippee, Yahoo. (#69) Sad, worry, (#70)
Great.(#71) Apprehensive. (#72) Scared. If they get an excuse like a terrorist attack, I fear they will try to take total power.(#73) Upheld my opinion that the US voter is not a deep thinker and that the electorate is not interested in facts.(#74)
All the more reason to remove Florida from our union.(#75) Surprised at first, then shocked, now have a need to find a way to be more active in protecting the basic rights of all.(#76) OK, but not excited. See what happens. Hope Congress can keep things in balance. (#77) Extremely disappointed. (#3)


DATE:  DECEMBER 14, 2016

Right after the general election I wanted to do something useful, so I decided to do a survey of people to see how they felt about the outcome. The first wave I sent out to my E-mail contacts. Later I interviewed people on the street, in a bar, at soup sales, at meetings and the family gathering at Thanksgiving. There is survey information from 76 individuals.  The sample included people from age 14 to 94---an 80 year span. Both voters and nonvoters were surveyed. In this document each person is identified by a #.





At the time (February, New Hampshire) he appeared the best to win. (#18)

Because Obama's administration  was a disaster, country off track.(#71)

He seemed to be forthright and believable in his ideas and didn't cater to the opposition. (#65) Returned to conservative principles. (#69)
Not Donald Trump.(#36)

Good thinker and solid experience.(#77)

He is a person who will be in it for the good of the common people. Not a puppet with strings. (#15) Need to change.(#22)
This country needs a lot of restructuring, including the economy, taxes, health insurance, defense, immigration and I believe he can do a lot to make America a stronger country, here and abroad.(#4)
For a more conservative Supreme Court. (#7)
Because I loathed Cruz. (#26) ) Tired of politics. Need change.(#28) Change. Tired of politics.(#29) I am a Republican and a conservative and I do not understand the liberal agenda.(#40) Make America great again.(#42) Cause Hillary is a crook and let four people die in Bengazi.(#43) What he talked about needed to get done.(#44)

I am registered with the DC Statehood Green Party and Washington, DC has a "closed" primary system.  If DC had an "open" primary system, I would have voted for Bernie Sanders.  I have supported the Greens and Bernie Sanders because I agree with their stated positions (especially concerning the ruinous influence of "big money" on our politics), I appreciate that they "walk the talk" and didn't/don't accept money from corporations and "Super PACs."(#13)

His populist message, focus on wealth inequality, opposition to the Iraq War, and general integrity. Also refusal to have a Super PAC. (#16)
He was the most authentic candidate (#19)
As eminently qualified as Clinton is to be president, I doubted her availability to govern in the current climate in DC. People have had a knee-jerk hatred of her for decades and it seemed that if she were to be elected she'd be bogged down with fabricated scandals and face even more obstructionism than Obama. (#5) I thought, and still think, Sander's proposals would be best for the country.(#12) I wanted universal health care. I wanted social security benefits increased. I believe in him.(#11) Spoke the truth. We need national healthcare and affordable higher education.  We need action on climate change. We need a voice against unfettered capitalism. Inclusive of all groups. United we stand.(#9)
Philosophy, Not beholden to nor part of Wall Street and the 1%.(#8) Our democracy is corrupted by too much money. Sanders seemed sincere about fighting that and Clinton not so much. His grass-roots energy, rather then Clinton's establishment ties, seemed best for the long-term health of progressive politics and the Democratic Party.
Need to address higher thinking. Education is important.(#35) Socialist values. (#61)Remove inequity. (#62) I agreed with him. (#66) Mostly liberal, progressive. (#72) He was an alternative to the norm who wasn't emotionally unstable. (#75)
Felt his stance on education reform and holding Wall Street accountable would benefit the country.(#76) Thought better chance of winning.(#24) Better ideas. Out front.(#25)

I thought that both Hillary and Bernie had some potential problems, and at the time of the Iowa Caucus I thought it was too soon to narrow the Democrat’s choices to those two.(#21)

Because she promotes implementation of issues I care about. (#17) I always support my party's candidate as long as they support the platform of the Democratic Party.(#12) Didn't think Bernie could win the general and I wanted to see a woman in office.(#10) She was the Democratic candidate and Trump was frightening.(#8) Best equipped candidate always liked her–better than Bill also would like to see a girl get the job.(#33) Woman (#60) Established, Experience. (#67)
She is intelligent, capable and has a lot of great experience.(#73) Most prepared, was impressed by Bengazi inquisition 11 hour under attack and she still put Republican bullies in their place.(#74) Better candidate, felt Bernie was too radical and not practical. (#3)


Environment/social issues(#2) It was a vote against Trump, not for Clinton. (#19) Because realistically one of two people was going to be president, and Trump was a hell no. The idea of her as president didn't excite me but I thought it would be fine and we might make modest progress on important issues. (#16) Trump is a catastrophe.(#5) Qualifications, good sense.(#20)
Didn't want Trump.(#11) Having seen Hillary in action, I had a growing respect for her, and Trump was out of the question, as far as I was concerned. A third-party choice would have been throwing my vote away.(#21) She was obviously the more competent of the two.(#10) Qualified, adopted Bernie's platform, understands what it means to be a public servant, educated, inclusive, trail blazer, not an idiot.(#9) She had more background and experience than any other candidate on either side.(#23)
Trump is a and will be a disaster. Hillary knows what she's doing.(#25)

 I did not think she would solve any of our major problems, but she at least exists in the reality based community, whereas Trump and his followers seem divorced from reality. 4 to 8 years of status quo was not a thrilling prospect, but she is competent, whereas Trump is not. Politicians that are given to strange fantasies and conspiracy theorizing can act in extremely  destructive ways. (#32) Trump is a farce. He epitomizes the opposite of every value I hold dear.(#33) Wanted to see the first woman president and  she had experience and wisdom to lead the country.(#34) She has been at this a long time. She could've shown the way toward a more enlightened society.(#35) She was the better candidate.(#37)

Better stability as a person, way more  experience.(#38) She was always my girl. Cares about kids. E-mail– horse shit. No time for Trump.(#52) Didn't want Trump to win.(#56)
Democrat(#60) Thought  she was better qualified. Trump scares me. (#64) Couldn't stand Trump. (#66) Trump was unfit to be president. (#67)
Better than the other candidate. (#68)Better choice. (#70) No other choice. (#72) Trump terrifies me---he is a misogynist, racist, bigot, who is not to be trusted with our democracy.(#73) OMG, the other choice, so glad she was there to give substance to the presidency and she is the best choice for our country.(#74) Donald Trump is not safe for America. (#75) Believe she values women's rights. She is intelligent, thorough and thinks through her decisions.(#76) Wanted to see a woman president, best qualified. (#3)

Because Obama's administration was a disaster, country on wrong track. (#71) He is a person who will be in it for the good of the common people. Not a puppet with strings. (#15) Could not vote for Clinton.  Want a change. A businessman sounds good. (#18) Nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice.(#4) I feel that is what I have learned in life. What i saw in war-torn Danzig, Poland as a sixteen year old, July 1946 and in North Korea while I was in the Army.(#7) Corrupt politicians in Washington.(#22) Because I loathed Clinton. (#26) I regretfully voted for Donald Trump. I am more or less voted for him because I did not like Clinton's policies.(#27. He spoke out loud what I have been questioning for years(#40)
Drain the swamp.(#42)
Back to traditional money saving ways.(#43)  Jobs, securing the border.(#44) Did not completely buy  into him, but someone had to shake things up.(#45) Because I believe illegal immigrants should be in jail or not in the US.(#48) Need things cleaned up in Washington. And flat tax rate.(#49) Don't believe in liberal agenda(#51) Too many things went backwards in the last eight years. Hillary's ethics.(#55) I did not believe much of what he said during the campaign.  It was meant to bring support. (#65) Hillary should be in jail. (#69)

Given the continued existence of the out-of-date Electoral College (and FEC rules that give money to parties that receive 5% of the popular vote [Ross Perot's Reform Party only one to do this so far] ), I believe in (what I think is called) "strategic voting."  Essentially, if someone like me lives in a solidly Democratic (or conversely, a solidly Republican) state, then she/he should feel free to vote for the candidate with the beliefs and proposals closest to those of the voter.  If the voter lives in a "battleground"/"swing" state, then I ask her/him to "hold their nose" and vote for the "lesser of two evils" of the two major party candidates, who in my opinion (at least since William Jennings Bryan in 1900) has been the Democratic candidate.  I support reforms like Maine's recently-passed ballot initiative (Question5) that implement ranked-choice or "instant-runoff" voting systems that allow voters to reflect their first and second choices which would greatly reduce the unnecessary, forced choice of either "throwing away your vote" when voting for the candidate one believes in OR voting for the "lesser of two evils."(#13) Did not Like either of major candidates. Close to green. (#46) Socialist views. (#61)

Protest vote against both parties.(#36)

Monday, December 12, 2016



I believe Donald Trump is an impulsive thirteen year old with a learning disability/personality disorder living in a 70 year old man's body.   I taught 13 year old students in public schools for more than 30 years, and believe me, I know one when I see one. I had students in my classroom who are just like Donald.

Evidence for my hypothesis---
1.  Lack of empathy for those he hurts, attacks or criticizes.
2.  He never apologizes or says he is sorry for anything.
3.  Very short attention span, gets bored easily---Ignoring "DAILY BRIEFING".
4. Bullies those who disagree with him.
5. Can't handle criticism---has to get "even".
6. No real core values of what is right and wrong.
7. Lies, exaggerates, dismisses facts without any thought of the consequences.
8. Impulsve reactions to perceived slights or attacks---"Such a nasty woman"
9. Degrading comments toward women.
10. Impulsive behavior toward women---touching or kissing without permission. (Sexual assault)
11. Needs constant attention, must be the center of attention, needs adulation of crowds such as at his shows (rallies). Can't handle being ignored.  His TWEETS he is using to "stir the pot"are the most obvious need he has for adoration.
12. Very vulnerable to be manipulated by people who recognize his weaknesses---Putin has done this beautifully. His dismissal of  CIA evidence on Russian hacking of  Democratic documents is a very disturbing development.
13. He does not seem capable of learning a lot of information in a short time.
14. During the campaign he did not show any ability to formulate problem solving policies and he still demonstrates no improvement after the election.  Some have suggested his position on any given issue depends on whom he has spoken to last.

He may look like an adult and he obviously can act like an adult in business or social settings;  but he is NOT a normal adult and therein lies America's crisis in leadership.

We have just  elevated a very rich dysfunctional child to be the leader of the free world.


Monday, November 21, 2016



I first came up with the idea that "Man Is Basically Rotten" (the name of my blog) by looking in a mirror. I realized that I really was basically rotten (self-centered). After recognizing my condition, my first question was: Am I alone or are other people rotten as well? So I started observing human behavior in its raw form and what better place than in a middle school with a 1000 teenagers running all over the place. (where I taught science for many years). What about politics, business, TV, the movies, the mall, and all the places where we humans hang out?

It was a revelation and a  relief to realize I had lots of company. I eventually came to the conclusion that we humans are all basically rotten . We are rotten from the day we are born until the day we die---we can not escape it.

Does the quote  includes both sexes?

Of course.

I am sorry ladies, but my observations tell me you are rotten, just like us guys. However, there is a big difference in how the female of the human species deals with her basic nature. From an early age girls demonstrate the ability to control their behavior better than boys. They are calmer, more cooperative, more empathetic and less violent than boys.

If you look at human societies, there are distinct differences in how the sexes approach issues within groups. Males are more aggressive, more likely to resort to fighting or violence to solve problems, more prone to criminal behavior and are more likely to end up in prison than females.

There has been a pattern of men using their superior strength and threat of violence to subjugate women for thousands of years. Throughout history men have organized tribes, religions, societies and governments so they could keep women in their "place". They seemed to realize that if women took over and ran things, they would not have all the perks of power and control they had been enjoying.

For example why won't the Catholic Church ordain female priests? The leaders use some excuse from scripture or tradition. The real reason is, women are a threat to their power because they would make better priests. They are better equipped for the job then celebrate men, who sometimes get distracted by other things.

In the United States the rights and responsibilities spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were for white men only. The women in this country had to fight against an entrenched male dominated system for every thing they have.

We men have had our chance and our basic rotten nature has resulted in a planet in peril.

It is my opinion that this world would be a lot better place if most of the world's male leaders were replaced by women. War and violence would not stop completely, but its indiscriminate use would disappear, because women just naturally work toward solving disputes with diplomacy. For example, I believe Candelissa Rice used her diplomatic skills to keep the Bush/Cheney team from going to war with Iran.

Ladies it is your time. The World needs your love, empathy, compassion and diplomaic skills if we as a species are to make it to the next millennium .

Good luck Bridget.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


With Donald J. Trump's ascendency to the presidency of the United States we see the beginnings of the Iraqization  of America.  By electing Mr Trump, the majority of the white citizens of this country who voted for him, have said they do not believe in pluralism as an acceptable future for the United States of America.  They are saying that minorities, be they racial, social or religious, have no rights except those granted to them by the majority white race that has ruled this country since its founding.

Trump has successfully tapped into the fears that many people have of the "other" and has now put the nation to a real test.

I have long felt that if the political extremism  often visible in our country ever  came to power, the country would be changed forever.  We are now facing that future.  Sometimes you have to get really sick before you get better.  The question is, can we rid ourselves of the poison Trump has introduced into our system before we disintegrate into the tribalization so evident in other countries such as Iraq or Syria?

Trump has ripped away the veneer of tolerance and acceptance that has  guided our nation for more than 50 years and replaced it with an atmosphere of fear and hate of people who are "different". I worked a polling place on election day and I was stuck by the strong voter turnout.  At the end of the day they went overwhelming for Trump and the Republicans. I felt a foreboding after I saw the final totals Tuesday evening---that it was not going to be a good night for Hillary Clinton.

The demographics of our country are changing rapidly and the White Republican Establishment has decided that the way to put an end to this change is to deny minorities rights they have been granted  or have been striving for.  The "white" establishment that has ruled the country since colonial times has decided that it can not abide by the changes that are coming and wants to put a stop to them.  Thus we get Trump as president.

Donald J. Trump is not capable of fulfilling the dreams of his supporters.  He is a dysfunctional thirteen year-old sexual predator with a personality disorder in a 70 year-old man's body.  He has conned his way into the White House and the presidency which  he is woefully unprepared to manage.  His world view is limited to golf courses, casinos and beautiful women. He is a con artist who has bamboozled the American electorate into believing that he will keep his promises.  He can't and won't.  The country is in for a very difficult four years.

Saturday, October 22, 2016



Melania was right. She recently observed that "I have two teenagers in my house---my son and my husband"  Donald Trump's impulsive behavior towards women, his name calling and constant desire to "get even" with an adversary are all traits we can easily identify in teenagers..

I believe Donald Trump is a 13 year old boy in a 70 year old man's body.  I taught 13 year old students in public schools for more than 30 years, and believe me, I know one when I see it.

At age 12 in the seventh grade boys are often short, immature  and act out in inappropriate ways. Some people called them "squirrels" because they were always moving. Girls at this age go through a growth spurt and are usually more mature than the boys. It is not unusual for a 12 year old boy to approach a girl, poke her and run like crazy with her in hot pursuit.  However, entering the thirteenth year of life scrambles everything.

Boys enter this phase as "squirrels" and leave as young adults  One year I had two boys grow 6 inches from September to June and both ended up on the basketball team.  Girls enter this period of time  more physically and socially mature than the boys, but by the end of their eighth grade year, both boys and girls have usually entered the beginnings of adulthood; and as they begin high school they become calmer and focused.

An observation.

Scene one---Going to lunch in September.  Boy and girl, both age 13, head to the classroom door, they hit it together and collide. The girl ends up on the floor, her books and possessions strewn all over the floor.  Meanwhile the guy is running full tilt down the hall to be first in line to eat school food.  He has no clue as to the damage he has done.

Scene Two---Going to lunch in June.  Same circumstances, Same two kids.  Both head to the door at the same time and just when you expect a collision, he steps back and allows her to go first. They walk down the hall together chatting about the day's events.

Donald Trump never got past Scene one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



Many of my relatives and friends are CONSERVATIVE  CHRISTIAN  REPUBLICANS. They have since Richard Nixon expected and have been provided with solid Conservative Republican presidential candidates from 1976 until 2016.  This year these typical Republicans were vanquished by a guy name Donald J. Trump who has dominated the political news ever since he entered the presidential race in June of 2015.  The Republican Party, the GOP, does not exist anymore.  It has fractured into at least three or four distinct entities. These splinters have very little in common, except that they oppose the Democratic Party and its agenda. Republican voters of long standing are now looking for that solid candidate they have always depended on to carry their mantel and they find Donald  J. Trump, a TV celebrity with absolutely no governing experience.

What to do?  Well for starters let's define the problem you all face. Donald J. Trump is NOT a Republican; he is NOT Conservative and he is NOT a Christian.  Since he is hard to classify, I have put Donald and his core supporters in The Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment Party---the WWEP, because he has always identified with professional wrestling and he is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. He runs his shows (rallies) about the same way that  the promoters run the wrestling shows  on TV. Donald has, over the past 15 months, failed to demonstrate any of the core values we normally expect in a person competing to be president of the United States and the leader of the Free World, be they Republican or Democrat.

I will give you my assessment of Donald J. Trump. He is a brilliant, charming manipulator of people who can quickly recognize their weaknesses and persuade them to do whatever he wants, even if it goes against their own self interests. All his life he has used people to get what he wants and if they complain or object he belittles them, calls them names or threatens to sue them.  He steals people's money by deception, refusing to pay bills, avoiding taxes; and in his businesses by over selling products so investors think they are getting a great deal.  He is one of the best con-artists of our time and he is just one step away from being president.

Growing up I knew a lot of people who stuck pretty tightly to their Party affiliation and I believe that is still true in many parts of our country today.  There are many people who if SATAN himself walked into town as a Republican or Democrat they would vote for him just to avoid going to the other party. Sometimes when Donald is spouting his nastiness, I can almost see the the forked tail and horns. In this election, we voters are faced with a unique choice in the history of our country.  Never before have we faced a candidate like Trump, who says "I will take care of you, believe me".  People want to believe him, because they don't really want to be responsible for everything; they want to trust that he will do what he promises.  That is the essence of the game--- you trust the person to take care of you and you give him what he wants.

Through history most revolutions  and political movements that make big promises to take care of everybody have devolved to Strongman or Dictator rule. Often too late, people come to realize they have sacrificed their freedoms to gain personal safety,  convenience or prosperity. That is what Donald is offering and if you fall for it, future generations are going to pay a very dear price for your bad choice.

As an educator I recognize Donald.  I have had students in my classroom like him.  I believe he has a personality disorder that does not allow him to show empathy for others or ever admit a mistake.  He may care about family or colleagues but he does not seem capable of showing it in public.  This is not mental illness, it is a permanent condition in the wiring of his brain that just makes him very uncomfortable showing real  emotion or concern for other people. He seems to be incapable of admitting failure or apologizing for anything he has done or said. There is no cure and he will never pivot to be the caring person many Republicans would like to see. Have you ever seen Donald laugh or really present a genuine smile? I do not think Donald  J. Trump is capable of really caring for other people and as a result I do not believe he has the qualities needed to be President of the United States.

So what is a Conservative, Christian Republican to do?  You are getting into a car for a long trip and you have a choice of two drivers.  One driver has never driven a car,  does not know where he is going and has no real plan for the trip.   The other driver  knows how to drive a car, has experience taking trips,  has decided what needs to be done and is planning activities at  the end of the trip.  You and your family's lives are in the balance. Who do you choose?

The person who can't drive the car and has no idea where he is going OR the person who knows how to drive the car, has made plans for the trip and knows where she wants to take you.

That is your choice on Election Day 2016.



We arrived in Mt Gretna about 3 pm, ate at a local restaurant and rolled into our driveway about 4:30.  Bea proceeded to go to the house to open up and I heard a verbal alarm.  The top section of the screen door into the porch was knocked out and lying on the floor.  As she continued on,  she observed large white spots on the floor and discovered a hawk at the other end of the porch---it was trying to get through the screen. 


It was producing very loud, screaming distress calls as it struggled to escape.

We tried to get it to fly out an open door, but it would not budge.  

So using gloves, I grabbed it by the wings. It felt thin and was panting---it did not struggle.  We took pictures and I put it down on the floor of our deck; and it flew up into a nearby tree.  it did not appear to be injured in any way so that was a good sign. 

Rebecca who had been watching our place while we were away, checked the house Thursday morning and saw no sign of the break-in. Apparently during the day either Thursday or Friday this good sized bird flew right through the screen door.

Some of my colleagues , who are better at identifying birds than I, have decided this was a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk. Why did it hit the screen with such force so as to knock it completely out of the door?  My guess is that our resident Red-tailed Hawk, a much larger bird, did not look kindly on this "teenager" visiting our place and decided to attack it, causing it to go through the screen in panic.  Fortunately neither screen nor bird were any worse off from the experience. 

Rebecca also found the shed skin of our resident Black Rat Snake.  It is nice to know it is still around, but we wish it would catch and eat the mice that keep coming into our house.

Welcomed home.



Nico and I spent most of the last day resting and watching the Convention speeches on TV.


This was Bea's special day. She booked a Uber driver for the trip to the Convention site, but he decided to give them a "tour" of Philadelphia causing she and Jo Ellen to arrive late.  As a result they ended up sitting with the Arkansas delegation near the stage.  Some  of the speakers were hard to see because of signs, but during Hillary's acceptance speech Bea had a clear view of her, when she said "I accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States".  

It was quite a thrill for her to be there and be part of the process of nominating the first woman to be president of the United States. The experience made all the hard work she had done to get to the Convention worthwhile.


Women should rule the world.