Wednesday, November 9, 2016


With Donald J. Trump's ascendency to the presidency of the United States we see the beginnings of the Iraqization  of America.  By electing Mr Trump, the majority of the white citizens of this country who voted for him, have said they do not believe in pluralism as an acceptable future for the United States of America.  They are saying that minorities, be they racial, social or religious, have no rights except those granted to them by the majority white race that has ruled this country since its founding.

Trump has successfully tapped into the fears that many people have of the "other" and has now put the nation to a real test.

I have long felt that if the political extremism  often visible in our country ever  came to power, the country would be changed forever.  We are now facing that future.  Sometimes you have to get really sick before you get better.  The question is, can we rid ourselves of the poison Trump has introduced into our system before we disintegrate into the tribalization so evident in other countries such as Iraq or Syria?

Trump has ripped away the veneer of tolerance and acceptance that has  guided our nation for more than 50 years and replaced it with an atmosphere of fear and hate of people who are "different". I worked a polling place on election day and I was stuck by the strong voter turnout.  At the end of the day they went overwhelming for Trump and the Republicans. I felt a foreboding after I saw the final totals Tuesday evening---that it was not going to be a good night for Hillary Clinton.

The demographics of our country are changing rapidly and the White Republican Establishment has decided that the way to put an end to this change is to deny minorities rights they have been granted  or have been striving for.  The "white" establishment that has ruled the country since colonial times has decided that it can not abide by the changes that are coming and wants to put a stop to them.  Thus we get Trump as president.

Donald J. Trump is not capable of fulfilling the dreams of his supporters.  He is a dysfunctional thirteen year-old sexual predator with a personality disorder in a 70 year-old man's body.  He has conned his way into the White House and the presidency which  he is woefully unprepared to manage.  His world view is limited to golf courses, casinos and beautiful women. He is a con artist who has bamboozled the American electorate into believing that he will keep his promises.  He can't and won't.  The country is in for a very difficult four years.

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