Wednesday, December 14, 2016



Better now. (#15) Worried, very preoccupied by it.

We have a crisis of tone and communication. We need to learn how to have productive, respectful conversations with each other again, folks!  How do we do it?!!!?? Listening as a moral imperative….and as a school subject, I don’t know.
If we can do it, there might be some hope — the country has gotten through very serious crises before. We all need to defend the constitution and our checks and balances tooth and nail in the coming years while somehow figuring out how to design our media and social media better so that they do not favor everything that is dIvisive,  derisive and utterly moronic. Also, we have to find new ways to confront racism and heal racial divide. (#6)

Right now not so good. But maybe this is an opening for the kind of shift we need to a government that actually works for the people. Trump will show himself as a conman quickly and his voters might be willing to throw themselves behind a Sanders type in 2020. Hoping for major turnover in Congress in 2018. (#16)

Better than I did going to bed Tuesday night.(#18)

Worried that we will regress. (#19) Uncertain.  Trump does not by any means have any kind of mandate.  On the other hand, I am glad that all of the ugliness that has been lying in the deep cracks of American society for decades is oozing out for everyone to see.  Having it out in the open will make it easier to acknowledge and defeat. (#5)
Uncertain. No one knows what Trump will do. His appointments to his transition team are not looking good.(#12) Very positive, unlike many out there. Mr. Trump is a doer unlike Obama.(#4) Pessimistic(#20) Tied into the health of the environment. Worried, don't know how much time we have to get it wrong.(#2) Scared for all.(#11)

Very concerned, but not hopeless.  Trump with a Republican-controlled House and Senate can do A LOT of long-lasting damage by: 1) repealing: the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the Paris Climate Change Accords, the Iran Nuclear Deal, while at the same time, advocating: reducing taxes on the wealthy & big business (making the deficit/debt problem worse, appointing right-wing judges, increasing military spending, and expanding fossil fuel development.  I think there are going to be many political battles and there are many smart, caring, and effective progressive public figures and groups that will prevent the Republicans from doing the absolute worst. (#13)

We're in for a rough ride.(#21) Very concerned. This could be the end because if we are involved in a Third World war (China and Russia) we will lose. Trump has already "ticked off" most of our friends. We cannot win alone.#(23) I believe America has been on a steady decline for years. I cannot foresee future generations having the same quality of life we have had.(#26)

The future of America will probably be more of the same.  Government is too big and will sink us further into debt and nobody seems to care. I do hope they repeal the affordable care act at least. I imagine the moral character of America will continue to erode. I am happy Trump takes a strong position on pro-life, but would like a  stronger stance on same sex marriage. I know a lot of people don't care about these things but if there is truly a God, he cannot like what he sees from America. Cleaning up our morality as a country and taking responsibility for own lives and not relying on the government is a type of country I would like to live in.(#27)

Better hands. Turned out pretty good.(#28) Concerned. Also  hopeful–that individuals  gain incentive to improve their communities–not rely on change coming from the top down.(#33) Nervous, limbo– Trump in his tower surely must be cut off from the realities of what's on the ground and under I am afraid for the environment.(#35) I'm worried about the bully approach to dealing with other countries but we are mostly dealing with other men who may respond to that with respect ( like Rams butting heads (#10)

Bleak. The forces of darkness have arrived. It will be tough, if not impossible, to fix this disaster. Facts don't matter. The enlightenment has stalled. Very Worried. It seems short term self interest won against unity this time around. The war on women will heat up again. Minorities of all kinds are in danger of being the scapegoat especially when the Groper- in -chief can't follow through on his very vague yet still alarming policies.(#9)

Scared(#8) The people will have to get involved and stand up for the best of the Judeo-Christian basic beliefs.(#7) America will be OK since we have three government branches.(#14)

I am a registered Republican. I came of age when there was a Rockefeller wing in the party. That is who I am. I identified with people like Eisenhower, Hugh Scott, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Margaret Chase Smith, Jacob Javitts, John Chafee, John Heinz, Elsie Hillman and so on. If I remember correctly, had it not been for moderate and liberal Republicans, LBJ would have never passed the civil rights act. In truth, my personal philosophy on a issues is much more aligned with Democrats than Republicans---on environmental issues of global warming, public education, urban redevelopment and abortion rights. I do not believe Government has any place legislating what a woman can do with her own body. These are just a few. FDR saved the nation with his public works program. I voted for Obama twice. Had the Democrats nominated anybody but Clinton, I believe the Democrats would've won again. I for one would have voted for Bernie Sanders and I was hoping he would pull it off in the primaries. I feel very strongly on many issues. And I like to vote on issues. But when I believe the media, liberals, radical African-Americans, desire to paint the white population as the root of all evil it pisses me off, and trumps issue voting with me.(#26)

I was never hopeful that Americans  were going to voluntarily confront real problems of climate change, economic contraction, the end of cheap energy and the  decline of empire. I suppose this brings the day of reckoning all that much closer.(#32)

Ominous.(#34) Okay, Trump has changed his tune and sounds less like a buffoon now.(#36) Discouraged.(#37) We will survive it and give Trump a chance. He is not a dumb person. USA has had other challenges and corrupt men in the past.(#38)Scary. We will get through it.(#39)

Hope Trump can change the direction of the country.(#41) Better now.(#42) It is going to be good.(#43) Hopeful, confident.(#44) Very concerned which direction the country has been going. My opinion is–the wrong direction.(#45)

Being president is overrated.   Trump  can't do much damage. He can damage the reputation of the country.(#46) Moving in the right direction.(#47) Scared but refreshed.(#48) Hopeful(#49) Hoping we're going in the right direction.(#50) Questionable.(#51) Great.(#54)  Cautiously optimistic. Anyone to further our country(#55) I could care less.(#56) Hopefully better.(#57) Scared. (#60) Horrified (#61) Anxious (#62)

Only the rich and powerful will benefit. (#63)

I am afraid for us, I'm sure he can't do everything he said he was going to.(#64)
The future of America is once again on track toward coming back to equal justice for all. (#65)
Disappointed with our people.(#66) Uncertain.(#67)
Questionable. (#68) Terrific. (#69) Awful, war is imminent. (#70) Hopeful, positive. (#71)
Apprehensive. (#72)

Sad. I am saddened that that many people voted for someone who bragged about grabbing women and putting Muslims in internment camps---hate won.(#73) We will be OK if we use the next 4 years as a learning experience and don't allow the crazies to take hold.(#74) We will persevere.(#3)

If Obama couldn't establish anything in 8 years, hopefully Trump won't be able to do anything in 4.(#75)

Optimistic. Believe the constitution is strong. We as a country are resilient. It gives people

a chance to focus and take a more active role in future politics if they are not happy with the outcome.(#76) For four years---very pessimistic. (#24) Puzzled, fearful.(#25) Great place. No problem with United States.(#29) Basically optimistic–trying to keep that.(#31) Not good–give him a chance.(#52) More optimistic than before. (#77) Scared. Honestly we are screwed.(#59)

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