Tuesday, March 29, 2016


1. Conservative Christians
2. Science skeptics, in some cases outright denial 
3. Oppose women's right to choose
4. Believe LGBT Americans should not have civil rights
5. Oppose taxes that benefit the general population.
6. Oppose government programs designed to help the poor, minorities, students.
7. Smaller government and fewer services for everyone but themselves.
8. Restrict minorities right to vote.
9. OK to discriminate against someone who is different.
10. Consider compromise on a contentious issue a sign of weakness. 
11. Religious, home schooling and private  schools are preferred over public schools which are considered too secular.
12. OK to give big corporations and rich people tax breaks.
13. Resist environmental regulations 
14. Protect Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Corporations  generally from taxes, environmental laws and any kind of regulations.
15. Anti-Union
16. Oppose all gun laws  and support open carry laws
17. Support VOUCHERS to allow students to use taxpayer funds to attend private or parochial schools
18. Deny Climate change as fact and will fight any attempt  to fund  mitigation.
19. Do not support alternative energy  sources such as solar,
wind, etc.
20.  Would like to do away with entitlement programs and substitute a voucher/savings plan which would require people to contribute to.
21. Oppose a living minimum wage. 
22. Oppose equal pay for women.
23. Will not allow local municipalities to make their own ordinances that may differ from the state party line.
24. Try to kill Public education by underfunding it.

1. Moderate, liberal Christians, NONES
2. Support Science inquiry and accept scientific evidence
3. Support women's right to decide what they can do with their bodies.
4. Support  civil rights for LGBT Americans.
5. Support taxes for improving people's lives.
6. Propose programs to provide assistance to Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities.
7. Support taxes to provide needed services to Americans.
8. Public Schools
9. Support environmental regulation.
10. Support the right to unionize workers
11. Believe in Global Warming and support moving away from energy from fossil fuels.
12. Support reasonable gun regulations.
13. Accept climate change as fact and support moves to control it effects.
14. Consider Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid  valuable resources for the American people.
15. Support a living minimum wage.
16. Support  equal pay for equal work.

1. Corruption, bribery, misappropriation of public funds
2. Sexual misconduct---mostly men (Reason for women to rule).
3. Use political power and intimidation to keep some groups of people in their "place".
4. Support a strong  military.
5. Use gerrymandering and geographic manipulation to gain and maintain power.

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