Wednesday, March 30, 2016







1. Never apologize. 
2. Being a bully shows power and strength.  
3. Secular, no strong religious identity.
4. Deport all immigrants without papers.
5. Put tariffs on all goods entering the US from China.
6. Ban all Muslims from entering the US..
7. Violence is OK at political rallies.
8. It is a good idea to use nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
9. Support giving nuclear weapons to Japan and South Korea to counteract threats from North Korea.
10. Our Allies should pay more to keep American troops on their soil.
11. Strong-arm American companies to force them to return jobs to the US.
12.  Get rid of the health care for millions of people by killing the Affordable Care Act.
13. Build a wall along our southern border to keep migrants out and force Mexico to pay for it.
14. Get rid of NATO.
15. People like a good fight, "its exciting".
16. Defends employee's criminal behavior.
17. It is OK to put other people down to gain advantage.
18. Torture is Ok to get information from prisoners in a terrorist case.
19. It is OK to kill the families of terror suspects.
20. Being a con artist is just good business practice.
21. Attack and demean women if they disagree with you.
22. OK to physically attack people who are protesting WWEP events.
23. Derogatory comments about Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims are just part of the conversation.




A. World Wrestling Entertainment Party---WWEP
(Party of Donald Trump and his supporters.)

B. Group Of Radicals Party----GORP
(Party of Ted Cruz and his supporters.)

C. Conservative Party---CRP
(Party of John Kasich and his supporters.)

D. Washington Insiders Party---WIP
(Party of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the other members of the Washington Establishment) 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


1. Conservative Christians
2. Science skeptics, in some cases outright denial 
3. Oppose women's right to choose
4. Believe LGBT Americans should not have civil rights
5. Oppose taxes that benefit the general population.
6. Oppose government programs designed to help the poor, minorities, students.
7. Smaller government and fewer services for everyone but themselves.
8. Restrict minorities right to vote.
9. OK to discriminate against someone who is different.
10. Consider compromise on a contentious issue a sign of weakness. 
11. Religious, home schooling and private  schools are preferred over public schools which are considered too secular.
12. OK to give big corporations and rich people tax breaks.
13. Resist environmental regulations 
14. Protect Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Corporations  generally from taxes, environmental laws and any kind of regulations.
15. Anti-Union
16. Oppose all gun laws  and support open carry laws
17. Support VOUCHERS to allow students to use taxpayer funds to attend private or parochial schools
18. Deny Climate change as fact and will fight any attempt  to fund  mitigation.
19. Do not support alternative energy  sources such as solar,
wind, etc.
20.  Would like to do away with entitlement programs and substitute a voucher/savings plan which would require people to contribute to.
21. Oppose a living minimum wage. 
22. Oppose equal pay for women.
23. Will not allow local municipalities to make their own ordinances that may differ from the state party line.
24. Try to kill Public education by underfunding it.

1. Moderate, liberal Christians, NONES
2. Support Science inquiry and accept scientific evidence
3. Support women's right to decide what they can do with their bodies.
4. Support  civil rights for LGBT Americans.
5. Support taxes for improving people's lives.
6. Propose programs to provide assistance to Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities.
7. Support taxes to provide needed services to Americans.
8. Public Schools
9. Support environmental regulation.
10. Support the right to unionize workers
11. Believe in Global Warming and support moving away from energy from fossil fuels.
12. Support reasonable gun regulations.
13. Accept climate change as fact and support moves to control it effects.
14. Consider Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid  valuable resources for the American people.
15. Support a living minimum wage.
16. Support  equal pay for equal work.

1. Corruption, bribery, misappropriation of public funds
2. Sexual misconduct---mostly men (Reason for women to rule).
3. Use political power and intimidation to keep some groups of people in their "place".
4. Support a strong  military.
5. Use gerrymandering and geographic manipulation to gain and maintain power.


I first came up with the idea that "Man Is Basically Rotten" by looking in a mirror. I realized that I really was basically rotten (self-centered). After recognizing my condition, my first question was: Am I alone or are other people rotten as well? So I started observing human behavior in its raw form and what better place than in a middle school with a 1000 teenagers running all over the place. (where I taught science for many years). What about politics, business, TV, the movies, the mall, and all the places where we humans hang out?

It was a revelation and a  relief to realize I had lots of company. I eventually came to the conclusion that we humans are all basically rotten . We are rotten from the day we are born until the day we die---we can not escape it.

Babies, rotten? Yes, a new born baby is rotten (self-centered if you like). It lies on its back and demands everything-me! me! me! It poops, pees and cries until someone pays attention and solves its problems. You know why babies survive? They're cute and they smile---that is what saves them.

A group of toddlers are in a sand box with a lot of toys. All is quiet until one kid starts to make a "cool "sound with his dump truck. Other kids hear the sound and want to have the truck with the great motor. Chaos ensues with toys, sand and kids flying everywhere with each one wanting the same toy---basically rotten.

Does the quote  includes both sexes?

Of course.

I am sorry ladies, but my observations tell me you are rotten, just like us guys. However, there is a big difference in how the female of the human species deals with her basic nature. From an early age girls demonstrate the ability to control their behavior better than boys. They are calmer, more cooperative, more empathetic and less violent than boys.

If you look at human societies, there are distinct differences in how the sexes approach issues within groups. Males are more aggressive, more likely to resort to fighting or violence to solve problems, more prone to criminal behavior and are more likely to end up in prison than females.

There has been a pattern of men using their superior strength and threat of violence to subjugate women for thousands of years. Throughout history men have organized tribes, religions, societies and governments so they could keep women in their "place". They seemed to realize that if women took over and ran things, they would not have all the perks of power and control they had been enjoying.

For example why won't the Catholic Church ordain female priests? The leaders use some excuse from scripture or tradition. The real reason is, women are a threat to their power because they would make better priests. They are better equipped for the job then celebrate men, who sometimes get distracted by other things.

In the United States the rights and responsibilities spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were for white men only. The women in this country had to fight against an entrenched male dominated system for every thing they have. 

We men have had our chance and our basic rotten nature has resulted in a planet in peril.

It is my opinion that this world would be a lot better place if most of the world's male leaders were replaced by women. War and violence would not stop completely, but its indiscriminate use would disappear, because women just naturally work toward solving disputes with diplomacy. For example, I believe Candelissa Rice used her diplomatic skills to keep the Bush/Cheney team from going to war with Iran.

Ladies it is your time. The World needs your love, empathy, compassion and diplomaic skills if we as a species are to make it to the next millennium .

Good luck Bridget.

Monday, March 14, 2016



Donald Trump is a small man on a very large stage.  When he opens his mouth, it quickly becomes obvious that he has no idea what it means to be president of the United States of America. His speeches are a combination of self promotion, untruths, putdowns and hollow issue positions that have no substance or chance of ever being put into effect.  His audiences cheer him on and ask for more---they like him because "He tells it like it is"; "He speaks for me". Trump's hard core supporters do not care that he lies, makes things up, puts people down or incites violence---they enjoy watching this celebrity; and are cheering and voting for him. 

What about the rhetoric  and violence at Donald's shows? 
His shows remind me of the actions of the participants at a professional wrestling bout. Many of Trump's supporters know about the WWE, enjoy watching professional wrestling and applaud his comments such as "Throw them out", "I would like to punch that guy in the face"; "Get him out".  Recently Donald has stated that he enjoys watching the fighting between his supporters and demonstrators---"It is exciting" he said. Trump has been connected to the professional wrestling crowd for a long time, and his behavior during his rallies is very much like that commonly seen on the WWE TV channels among officials, wrestlers and the audience.  

The people supporting Trump crave a leader who projects confidence, power and promises to  get things done, like building a wall. He is providing these folks with simple answers to their problems and fears,  consequently they will follow him anywhere. It seems the connection between Trump and his followers is almost cult-like in its intensity. 

I do not believe Donald Trump was ever a serious candidate for president. For this brilliant, skilled con artist it all comes down to "The art of  the deal". The campaign is the con and the folks who are cheering him on are the marks.  At most the prize for Trump is to win the Republican Party's nomination for president at the convention this July. None of his behavior in the debates, comments on Twitter  or at his shows (rallies) provides any sense that he knows what it means to be presidential.

I think Donald is starting to worry that he may win the nomination and then possibly the presidency; and he has absolutely no idea what he would do as President.  I strongly suspect that Donald would like to avoid being president of the United States---it will be too much work. I actually think  if he had a choice, he would prefer to be KING of the United States and rule the country by decree from his throne in the White House, rather than take on the hard, draining work of being president. 

As time goes by, Trump's chances of winning the White House will get dimmer and dimmer. He does not like to lose, because being a loser hurts his brand,  so he appears to be making himself so despicable that the real power brokers in the party (the ones with money) will try to stop him. I believe this may be a strategy going on in Donald's mind as he tries to figure out how he can extricate himself from this mess he has created. After all his supporters actually believe he will be able to do what he claims.

My suggestion: Let this con artist continue to pursue the nomination prize he wants. That was, after all, the goal of his
scam all along. If he wins the most delegates going into the convention, he will have "won" the prize. King Donald will strut around and proclaim how great he is and his brand will remain intact.  Now is when it will get interesting.

The leaders of the Republican Party must have the gumption to negotiate Donald Trump out of the 2016 race  for president. I am not a fan of the Republican Party which left me more than 20 years ago, but the effects of a Trump candidacy will tear the party apart. They should select a small group of non-polarizing members to meet with him and negotiate his withdrawal from the presidential race BEFORE he is nominated by the convention. His supporters will be outraged because they will recognize that Trump has duped them and once again leaders have lied to them.  It will be messy.  However it is in Donald Trump's  self-interest for him to remove himself from the race for the White House so he can protect his brand; and for the party to replace him with a candidate who represents the real Republican Party.  If this succeeds, Trump, the Party, the electorate and the nation will all benefit.  It could be an opportunity to heal some of the wounds torn open by the current turmoil in the country.

What if this does not work, Trump wins the nomination and runs for the White House? I am afraid there will be bloodshed. 
The demonstrations you see now are nothing compared with what may come next. Some of the people whom Trump has attacked will strike back because they have nothing to lose and his supporters will feel the need to lash out as well.  This creates a recipe for disaster and potential loss of life.    

We are at heart a peaceful nation, but Trump has ripped away the veneer of tolerance that has made it possible for so many people of diverse races, religions, cultures and languages to live and work together.  

The next several months will be a test to see if our political system and democracy can be sustained into the future.

The future of the United States of America is at stake.